Sunday, April 19, 2015

Tokyo life

As I am getting used to living back in tokyo, I am starting feeling like living in Bellingham was a dream and not real... It is just... weird

I miss hiking even if it's raining.
I miss going on a bike ride on a sunny day and catching a sunset.
I miss getting together with my friends spontaneously and doing some weird thing.
I miss local breweries.

It is really hard to play outside and connect with natures in Tokyo.
Of course, there are many things that I love about living in Tokyo, I literally miss my friends and Bellingham!

Beside my weird feelings, my plans for this year have been figured.

First of all, my internship is officially set. yay! I am going to be working for a resort in Palau. It is not really ecotourism job, but I thought it would be a great place to work while enjoying the sunshine and water activities such as diving. I will be able to get diving certification, which was one of my dream.
It is not Fiji nor New Zealand, and there is no mountains nor beaches (it is rock islands), but I am hoping to have some cultural experiences with local people!
Interestingly, Palau and Japan has a strong relationship and Palau is getting popular for Japanese tourists. So I will be speaking both English and Japanese. (I think that is why the working condition is pretty good for me... Food and accommodation will be provided)

I will be there from June 24 to September 12th. Then I will be leaving Japan for Bellingham on September 20th!!
well, this is super exciting so there is no need to be feeling weird right now, right?

Second of all, I will have to be back to Japan AGAIN right after fall quarter because of my brother's wedding. It is right after christmas so I will be in Tokyo for like couple weeks during winter break.
But I want to be back to Bellingham afterword and do some internship or volunteering around Bellingham, and then traveling somewhere in the US or Costa Rica or Fiji or New Zealand.... haha I don't know if that will happen, but it's just my thought.

Alright, that was some my updated :)
the point is, I miss Bellingham.

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